Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017

Daily Goals:

  • NEW School Design Thinking Challege
    • YouTube Video
    • Reflection
    • Presentation (Email to TODAY)
  • Grade interviews
  • NEW School Challenge

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017

Daily Goals:

  • Unit Reflection (TODAY)
  • Grade interviews
  • Peer evaluations  
  • Sign-up for Core Celebration

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017

Daily Goals:

  • TKAM: Film vs. Novel Analysis on Schoology (TODAY)
  • Share ALL project parts -->HERE

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24, 2017

TED Talk Schedule for May 24th!
Social Media Campaign Calendar for Exposition
May 24 Exposition Job List

Checklist of today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

Day 17 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Final science assessment (Today)
  2. Honors- TED Talk rehearsal and peer feedback forms (Today)
  3. Final project (DUE Today)
    1. Social science projects: Finishing touches
    2. Lab science projects: Finishing touches
  4. Grade interviews - Intervention interviews today withs select students and grade interviews for all students begin on Friday, so come prepared with your presentation (=claim & 3 pieces of evidence for each class).
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (DUE Today)
  1. TED Talks (DUE Today)

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017

TED Talk Schedule for May 24th!
Social Media Campaign Sign-Up
May 24 Exposition Job List

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird and your science textbooks to return***
Day 16 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Final draft of TKAM narrative (Due today) 
  2. Honors- TED Talk Ready to Go! (Due May 22)
  3. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: Finishing touches
    2. Lab science projects: Finishing touches
  4. Grade interviews
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  2. Science Assessment #8 (May 24)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)

Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18, 2017

TED Talk Schedule for May 24th!

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 15 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Final draft of TKAM narrative (Due today) 
  2. Optional Extra Credit: Deeper Dive into Immunology
  3. Vaccine Views- notes in Google Classroom and science section of digital notebook  (Due May 18)
  4. Honors- TED Talk record audio (Due May 18)
  5. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: Display your Design Thinking on your website, start your solution and record findings in progress
    2. Lab science projects: revise procedures, finish background (in progress)
  6. Produce 2nd and 3rd video (In progress)
  7. Three standards and skills in ongoing assessment today
  8. Update digital notebook about your unit project process today
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  2. Science Assessment #8 (May 22)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)
  2. Post SAT vocabulary 10 stories to Schoology and reply to at least 2 peers complimenting specific word use and gently correcting incorrect word use with specific examples for how these can be fixed (Due May 8th).

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017

TED Talk Schedule for May 24th!

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 14 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Complete rough draft of TKAM narrative (Due today) 
  2. Optional Extra Credit: Deeper Dive into Immunology
  3. How are Antibodie Used for Blood Typing? Lab write-up in GoogleClassroom and recorded in Science section of digital notebook  (Due May 16)
  4. Honors- TED Talk finished draft (Due May 16)
  5. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: Display your Design Thinking on your website, start your solution and record findings in progress
    2. Lab science projects: run lab, revise procedures, document process  (in progress)
  6. Produce 2nd and 3rd video (In progress)
  7. Social Science Students: Google Classroom Primary Resource List (In progress)
  8. Three standards and skills in ongoing assessment today
  9. Update digital notebook about your unit project process today
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  2. Science Assessment #8 (May 22)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)
  2. Post SAT vocabulary 10 stories to Schoology and reply to at least 2 peers complimenting specific word use and gently correcting incorrect word use with specific examples for how these can be fixed (Due May 8th).

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 13 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 29 (pages 266-End) (Due May 16) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 29 in digital notebook (Due May 16)
  3. Dialogue flipped classroom notes in English section of digital notebook (Due May 12)
  4. Dialogue activity (recording and transcript) in  English section of digital notebook  (Due May 16)
  5. How are Antibodie Used for Blood Typing? Lab write-up in GoogleClassroom and recorded in Science section of digital notebook  (Due May 16)
  6. Honors- TED Planning with Tucker (Due May 12)
  7. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: Articulate the 4 point solution today
    2. Lab science projects: background, materials, procedures  (in progress)
  8. Produce first video (In progress)
  9. Social Science Students: Google Classroom Primary Resource List (In progress)
  10. Three standards and skills in ongoing assessment today
  11. Update digital notebook about your unit project process today
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  2. Science Assessment #8 (May 22)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)
  2. Post SAT vocabulary 10 stories to Schoology and reply to at least 2 peers complimenting specific word use and gently correcting incorrect word use with specific examples for how these can be fixed (Due May 8th).

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 10, 2017

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***

***Immunology Lab Permission Slip*** Return Wednesday May 10th

Day 12 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 28 (pages 254-266) (Due May 12) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 28 in digital notebook (Due May 12)
  3. Acquired Immunity Sketchnotes (Due May 12)
  4. Honors- TED Talk Intro (Due May 12)
  5. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: What are the problems post-it brainstorm today
    2. Lab science projects: background, materials, procedures and sign-up for a date to start lab  today
  6. Produce first video (In progress)
  7. Social Science Students: Google Classroom Primary Resource List (In progress)
  8. Three standards and skills in ongoing assessment today
  9. Update digital notebook about your unit project process today
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)
  2. Post SAT vocabulary 10 stories to Schoology and reply to at least 2 peers complimenting specific word use and gently correcting incorrect word use with specific examples for how these can be fixed (Due May 8th).

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***

***Immunology Lab Permission Slip*** Return Wednesday May 10th

Day 11 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 24-27 (pages 227-254) (Due May 10) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 24-27 in digital notebook (Due May 10)
  3. Class Split
    1. 9th graders: StudySync Stations, TKAM Analysis Revision on Google Classroom today 
    2. 10th graders: TKAM Analysis Revision on Google Classroom, CAASPP today
  4. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: What are the problems post-it brainstorm today
    2. Lab science projects: background, materials, procedures and sign-up for a date to start lab  today
  5. Research experts on social media and begin YouTube channel with Tucker today
  6. Social Science Students: Google Classroom Primary Resource List (In progress)
  7. Test Taking Tips #4 Reading Diagnostic scores, goals, and reflection due today
  8. Three standards and skills in ongoing assessment today
  9. Update digital notebook about your unit project process today
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)
  2. Post SAT vocabulary 10 stories to Schoology and reply to at least 2 peers complimenting specific word use and gently correcting incorrect word use with specific examples for how these can be fixed (Due May 8th).

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May the 4th be with you...

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***

Day 8 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 20-23 (pages 199-227) (Due May 8) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 20-23 in digital notebook (Due May 8)
  3. Innate immune system notes in science section of your digital notebooks due today.
  4. Final project 
    1. Social science projects: final draft interview questions due today
    2. Lab science projects: first draft procedures and materials list due today
  5. Build your Wix or Weebly Website and share the link today
  6. Social Science Students: Google Classroom Primary Resource List (In progress)
  7. Test Taking Tips #4 Reading Diagnostic scores, goals, and reflection due today
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)
  2. Post SAT vocabulary 10 stories to Schoology and reply to at least 2 peers complimenting specific word use and gently correcting incorrect word use with specific examples for how these can be fixed (Due May 8th).

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017

Checklist of Today's work and what your child needs to complete. If your child name does not appear on the list, they failed to fill out the survey. 

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 8 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 18-19 (pages 179-199) (Due May 4) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 19-19 in digital notebook (Due May 4)
  3. Notes in science section of digital notebook on "What is a virus? How do they work? (Due today)
  4. Final project calendar and parent signature (Due today)
  5. Build your Wix or Weebly Website and share the link (In progress)
  6. Assess 3 Social Media Standards and share it with your parents (Due today)
  7. Social Science Students: Google Classroom Primary Resource List (In progress)
  8. Lab Science Students: Scientific Method Steps 1-3 (Due today)  
Big Projects:
  1. Unit Projects (Due May 24th)
  1. TED Talks (Due May 24th)

Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 7 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 16-17 (pages 155-178) (Due May 2) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 16-17 in digital notebook (Due May 2)
  3. Notes in science section of digital notebook on vaccine ingredients from presentation and vocabulary flipped classroom (Due today)
  4. Final project calendar and parent signature (Due May 2)
  5. TED Talk structure document (In progress)
  6. Assess 3 Social Media Standards and share it with your parents (Due today)
  7. Prepare Student-Led Conversations (Due next week, when parents arrive)

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 6 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 13-15 (pages 126-155) (Due April 28) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 13-15 in digital notebook (Due April 28)
  3. Death Penalty Facts Sheet in digital notebook (Due today)
  4. Vaccine Exploration spreadsheet and presentation (Due today)
  5. TED Talk Analysis in digital notebook (Due today)
  6. Assess 3 Social Media Standards and share it with your parents (Due today)
  7. Prepare Student-Led Conversations (Due next week, when parents arrive)

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 5 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 11-12 (pages 99-126) (Due April 26) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 11-12 in digital notebook (Due April 26)
  3. Investigate Current Issues on Schoology (Due today)
  4. Science Assessment #7 Revamp
  5. Intro to Pinterest Notes in digital notebook (Due today)
  6. Critiquing Peer Videos (Due today)
  7. Rewrite Social Media Standards and share it with your parents (Due today)
  8. Prepare Student-Led Conversations (Due next week, when parents arrive)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 4 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 9-10 (pages 74-99) (Due April 24) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 9-10 in digital notebook (Due April 24)
  3. TKAM Quiz (Due today)
  4. Science Assessment #7 MAKE-UP's (Today)
  5. Grammar notes and quote analysis in English section of digital notebook (Due today)
  6. Prepare Student-Led Conversations (Due next week, when parents arrive)
Bigger Unit Goals

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 3 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 5-8 (pages 42-74) (Due April 20) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 5-8 in digital notebook (Due April 20)
  3. Social Media Video (Due today)
  4. Social Media Form (Due today)
  5. Kami annotations  (Due today)
  6. Building Social Media Profile 
  7. TKAM Quiz (Due today)
  8. StudySync Blast (Due today)
  9. Science Assessment #7
  10. Prepare Student-Led Conversations (Due next week, when parents arrive)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Science Assessment #7, bring #2 pencil - April 18

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***
Day 2 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 3 and 4 (pages 22-41) (Due April 18) 
  2. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 3 and 4 in digital notebook (Due April 18)
  3. No Red Ink (Due April 14)
  4. Environmental Unit Reflection
  5. Prepare Student-Led Conversations (Due next week, when parents arrive)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Science Assessment #7, bring #2 pencil - April 18
  2. Environmental Project Presentations April 12

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017

***BRING To Kill a Mockingbird with annotations OR sketchnotes each day!***

Day 1 Social Media

Daily Goals:
  1. Deeper Learning Dive- In digital notebooks (Due today)
  2. Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 1 and 2 (pages 3-22) (Due April 12) 
  3. TKAM annotations and/or sketchnotes for chapters 1-2 in digital notebook (Due April 12)
  4. Social Media #Blacklivesmatter notes in the English Section in digital notebooks (Due April 10)
  5. No Red Ink (Due April 14)
  6. Khan Academy Coding (Due April 10)
  7. Social Media YouTube Video (Due April 10)
  8. Update ALL possible Standards and Skills (Doc should be ready for grading interviews next week)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Environmental Unit Project – Due April 10
  2. Science Assessment #7, bring #2 pencil - April 18
  3. Environmental Project Presentations April 12

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017

Day 20 Environmental

Daily Goals:
  1. Read and annotate chapter 12-13 The Sixth Extinction (Due April 10)
  2. Chapter 12-13 Sketchnotes (Due April 10)
  3. Touchback notes in your digital notebooks with key vocabulary (Due April 6) 
  4. No Red Ink (Due April 14)
  5. Khan Academy Coding (Due April 10)
  6. Update ALL possible Standards and Skills (Doc should be ready for grading interviews next week)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Environmental Unit Project – Due April 10
  1. Honor's Questions for The Sixth Extinction

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017

Day 19 Environmental

Daily Goals:
  1. Read and annotate chapter 11  the The Sixth Extinction (Due April 6)
  2. Chapter 11 Sketchnotes (Due April 6)
  3. Last in class day to work on your Environmental Project (Due April 10th)
  4. Lab Write-Up Quality Improvement Rubric and Reflection (Due April 4)
  5. No Red Ink (Due April 14)
  6. An Inconvenient Truth data analysis (Due April 4)
  7. Khan Academy Coding (Due April 4)
  8. Update ALL possible Standards and Skills (Doc should be ready for grading interviews next week)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Grade Interviews Begin – April 4th
  2. Environmental Unit Project – Due April 10
  1. Honor's Questions for The Sixth Extinction
  2. Selected Honor's Teachbacks- (Due April 6th)

Friday, March 31, 2017

March 31, 2017

Day 18 Environmental

Daily Goals:
  1. Read and annotate chapter 9 and 10 from the The Sixth Extinction (Due March 31)
  2. Chapter 9 and 10 Sketchnotes (Due April 4)
  3. Last in class day to work on your Environmental Project (Due April 10th)
  4. Ecology vocabulary video #3 notes in science section of digital notebooks (Due March 31)
  5. Spring Blog (Due March 31)
  6. Update Digital Notebooks (Should be ready for grading interviews next week)
  7. Prep for your Tucketo Grade Interview (Starts Tuesday)
  8. Update ALL possible Standards and Skills (Doc should be ready for grading interviews next week)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Grade Interviews Begin – April 4th
  2. Environmental Unit Project – Due April 10
  1. Selected Honor's Teachbacks- (Due April 6th)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 29, 2017

Day 17 Environmental

Daily Goals:
  1. Read and annotate chapter 8 from the The Sixth Extinction (Due March 31)
  2. Chapter 8 Sketchnotes (Due March 31)
  3. Last in class day to work on your Environmental Project (Due April 10th)
  4. Ecology vocabulary video #3 notes in science section of digital notebooks (Due March 31)
  5. Spring Blog (Due March 31)
  6. Update Digital Notebooks (Should be ready for grading interviews next week)
  7. Prep for your Tucketo Grade Interview (Starts next Tuesday)
  8. Update ALL possible Standards and Skills (Doc should be ready for grading interviews next week)
Bigger Unit Goals
  1. Grade Interviews Begin April 4th!
  2. Environmental Unit Project- (Due April 10)
  1. Selected Honor's Teachbacks- (Due April 6th)